Archive for the ‘Public Service Capability’ Category

Trans Tasman On The Public Service

December 5, 2008

Yesterday’s Trans Tasman has some very interesting commentary on the new Government’s attitude to the public service.  The comments on capability and on evidence that some in the Public Service don’t realise the new Government’s detrermination to do things differently should be being read by all public service managers.  We quote the operative paragraph

It appeared to Ministers there is a reluctance to recognise a new Govt has taken office and is setting the bar at a different level. Many public servants may be under the mistaken impression this was to be a no-change administration, picking up where Labour left off, an impression fostered by the media’s constant reiteration during the election campaign there is little difference in the policies of Labour and National. National has insisted it wants to maintain stability and good process, all of which is meant to be unthreatening to the public service. But National’s core message is the whole country including the public service needs to change and lift its game. What this means is a team of Ministers, led by Key, used to private sector, hit-top-gear standards, expecting the same from the public service. Under the previous administration, there was little innovation in the public service, which now seems gun-shy

Where Was The Business Voice?

December 5, 2008

CTU, Labour, Greens – all got airtime this morning on Morning Report to take a swipe at Treasury’s briefing for incoming Ministers but where was the business voice?  Maybe Radio NZ tried to get comment and no one obliged, but the journalist concerned didn’t try me.  I would have been very happy to defend Treasury on several recommendations.  Treasury came to us and other groups prior to writing the BIM and many of the ideas it contains are what we were hoping for.  I will get a fuller comment out over the weekend.